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Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains How Gratitude and Meditation Can Make You Happier and Improve Your Mental Health

We’ve all heard the phrase an attitude of gratitude. But sometimes this is easier said than done. Life throws us trials, consequences, and difficult times that can make having gratitude hard. 

The best way to have gratitude is to practice it! When we practice gratitude on a regular basis, mental and physical health actually improves.

When we show gratitude we can see positive impacts in mental health including:

  • Improved mood. People who regularly express gratitude are shown to be happier which contributes to lower rates of stress and depression.

  • More optimistic. When you express gratitude you have a more positive outlook on life.

  • Improved social bond. People feel more loved and connected to others when they show gratitude.

Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains how to practice gratitude

Gratitude means appreciating what you have instead of always wishing for something else in hopes it will make you happier. It’s being satisfied with what you have. 

Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have and not what they lack. And this mental state grows stronger with practice.

Here are a few ways to cultivate gratitude…

  1. Write a thank you letter. Nurture a relationship with someone by writing a thank-you note or expressing your appreciation for them with a gift. Set a goal to send one gratitude note or gift a month. You can even write a note to yourself.

  2. Keep a gratitude journal. Write down one thing a day you’re grateful for.

  3. Pray. People that are religious might use prayer to express gratitude.

  4. Count your blessings. Think about small things each day that you’re grateful for. Try to acknowledge these throughout the day.

  5. Remember the bad. To be grateful for your life right now, it is helpful to remember the hard times that shaped you. When you remember difficult times, you can reflect on how far you’ve come and reflect on how happy you currently are.

  6. Meditate. Meditation includes focusing on a word, phrase, or things you’re grateful for.

Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains Gratitude Meditations

Gratitude meditations are easy ways to create a more grateful mindset. Here are two easy gratitude mediations to start with…


Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains Grateful mantra meditation

  1. Find a comfortable position to rest in, either in a chair or on a flat surface.

  2. Center yourself. Turn off your phone or anything distracting

  3. Take a deep breath through your nose. Fill your lungs with air and exhale through your mouth.

  4. Then practice a gratitude mantra: I am grateful for ________. 

  5. Think of something you’re grateful for and repeat this mantra 10 times. Each time, reflect on something different.

Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains The Yin Yang Gratitude Practice

Sometimes when you’re faced with difficult circumstances, it’s hard to focus on the positive. This meditation can help you remember that even during challenges, there exists a lesson. Without darkness, there is no light.


1.   Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths.

2.   Think about something that’s troubling you. Start small. It can be a minor annoyance or irritation that’s been bothering you. For example, it could be that you’re stuck working in a cold, drafty room.

3.   Identify something unpleasant you’re dealing with and flip the negative circumstance into a positive one. For example, perhaps the room you’re in is cold and drafty, but it has a large, beautiful window that lets in plenty of light.

4.   As you identify things you’re unhappy within your life, do your best to find a positive opportunity that accompanies it.

Seeking the positive within the negative won’t be easy at first, but this skill will help you in many other areas of life.

Are you having a difficult time expressing, finding, or practicing gratitude in your life? Therapy can help you work through difficult times like this, so if I can help, reach out to me today!