Your therapist in Sugar Land explains How to set realistic mental health goals for 2022

January is the time of year we all set goals, typically related to work, finances, and/or physical health. It is important to make mental health goals because our mental health often influences how we are able to achieve our work, finance, and physical health goals. Learn how to set realistic mental health goals for 2022 here.

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Gratitude & Meditation Alyssia Anderson Gratitude & Meditation Alyssia Anderson

Your Therapist in Sugar Land explains How Gratitude and Meditation Can Make You Happier and Improve Your Mental Health

We’ve all heard the phrase an attitude of gratitude. But sometimes this is easier said than done. The best way to have gratitude is to practice it! When we practice gratitude on a regular basis, mental and physical health actually improves. Here are a few of my favorite ways to use gratitude to improve my mental health!

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